Index by author
Clough, John D.
- You have accessFurther education of those who serve @ ccf.orgJohn D. Clough, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 197;
The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine goes online; but how will physicians use the Internet?
Griffin, Brian P.
- You have accessCardiac imaging techniques: which, when, and whyJames D. Thomas, MD, Brian P. Griffin, MD and Richard D. White, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 213-220;
The science behind the different cardiac imaging techniques, and how to choose the best test for each patient.
Halperin, Alan K.
- You have accessExercise and hypertension: common questionsAlan K. Halperin, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 201-203;
Although for most patients with hypertension the benefits of exercise far outweigh the risks, surprisingly little data exists on this topic.
Henry, Catherine A.
- You have accessBattered women: how the primary care practitioner can helpCatherine A. Henry, MD and Ann F. Hull, LISWCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 199-201;
Tips for identifying victims of battering and helping them cope with the problem.
Hoeltge, Gerald A.
- You have accessPlatelet transfusion therapy for medical and surgical patientsMohamad A. Hussein, MD and Gerald A. Hoeltge, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 245-250;
A discussion of the indications for platelet transfusions and factors that decrease their effectiveness.
Hull, Ann F.
- You have accessBattered women: how the primary care practitioner can helpCatherine A. Henry, MD and Ann F. Hull, LISWCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 199-201;
Tips for identifying victims of battering and helping them cope with the problem.
Hussein, Mohamad A.
- You have accessPlatelet transfusion therapy for medical and surgical patientsMohamad A. Hussein, MD and Gerald A. Hoeltge, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 245-250;
A discussion of the indications for platelet transfusions and factors that decrease their effectiveness.
Isaacson, J. Harry
- You have accessAn 81-year-old woman with dyspnea on exertionJames K. Stoller, MD, Barbara Williams, MD, J. Harry Isaacson, MD and Michael S. Lauer, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 209-212;
A self-test of clinical recognition.
Isada, Carlos M.
- You have accessProtease inhibitors: promising new weapons against HIVCarlos M. Isada, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 204-208;
Protease inhibitors are the most potent drugs against HIV to date, but issues of cost, drug interactions, bioavailability, and resistance remain.
Lauer, Michael S.
- You have accessAn 81-year-old woman with dyspnea on exertionJames K. Stoller, MD, Barbara Williams, MD, J. Harry Isaacson, MD and Michael S. Lauer, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1996, 63 (4) 209-212;
A self-test of clinical recognition.