More articles from Letters to the Editor
- Complete blood cell count March 2019
A reader comments about use of the red blood cell distribution width in the complete blood cell count (March 2019).
- Human papillomavirus March 2019
Readers comment on aleukemic leukemia cutis (February 2019) and on human papillomavirus vaccination (March 2019).
- Aleukemic leukemia cutis February 2019
Readers comment on aleukemic leukemia cutis (February 2019) and on human papillomavirus vaccination (March 2019).
- Rapidly progressive pleural effusion January 2019
Readers comment about deviation from guidelines during treatment of a patient with rapidly progressive pleural effusion (January 2019) and the effect of metformin on vitamin B12 levels (January 2019).
- Metformin for type 2 diabetes January 2019
Readers comment about deviation from guidelines during treatment of a patient with rapidly progressive pleural effusion (January 2019) and the effect of metformin on vitamin B12 levels (January 2019).