RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Diabetes and coronary artery disease: The role of stress myocardial perfusion imaging JF Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine JO Cleve Clin J Med FD Cleveland Clinic SP 21 OP 33 VO 72 IS 1 A1 Wackers, Frans J. Th. YR 2005 UL http://www.ccjm.org/content/72/1/21.abstract AB Stress myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) has the potential not only to improve clinical outcomes in diabetic patients, but also to decrease unnecessary use of health care resources. However, before routine screening can be recommended, cost-effectiveness analyses are required to identify patients in whom such testing is appropriate. Nevertheless, MPI is clearly emerging as a valuable tool for improving management of coronary artery disease in all patients with diabetes mellitus.