PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE ED - Brouhard, Ben H. AU - Humes, H. David TI - Potential molecular therapy for acute renal failure DP - 1993 Mar 01 TA - Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine PG - 166--168 VI - 60 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Cleve Clin J Med1993 Mar 01; 60 AB - Ischemic and toxic acute renal failure is reversible, due to the ability of renal tubule cells to regenerate and differentiate into a fully functional lining epithelium. Recent data support the thesis that recruitment or activation of macrophages to the area of injury results in local release of growth factors to promote regenerative repair. Because of intrinsic delay in the recruitment of inflammatory cells, the exogenous administration of growth promoters early in the repair phase of acute renal failure enhances renal tubule cell regeneration and accelerates renal functional recovery in animal models of acute renal failure. Molecular therapy for the acceleration of tissue repair in this disease process may be developed in the near future.