RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Necrolytic migratory erythema-like dermatitis with malabsorption JF Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine JO Cleve Clin J Med FD Cleveland Clinic SP 81 OP 85 VO 52 IS 1 A1 Ranchoff, Richard E. A1 Kantor, Gary R. A1 Slugg, Peter H. A1 Bergfeld, Wilma F. A1 Tomecki, Kenneth J. YR 1985 UL http://www.ccjm.org/content/52/1/81.abstract AB The authors describe a case of malabsorption and annular, erosive, scaling dermatitis exhibiting the clinical features of necrolytic migratory erythema. The cutaneous manifestations of malabsorption are discussed.