Sonographic findings in pulmonary edema, COVID-19 viral pneumonia, and bacterial pneumonia

Pulmonary EdemaCOVID-19 (viral pneumonia)Bacterial pneumonia
Cardiogenic pulmonary edemaNon-cardiogenic pulmonary edema (A ROS)Severe lung involvementMild-moderate lung involvementNon-lobar pneumoniasLobar pneumonia
B linesDiffuse Dependent distributionDiffuse Maybe confluentDiffuse May be confluentFocal, derived from areas of irregular pleuraVariable (Focal, multifocal, or diffuse)Adjacent to consolidations
Spared areasAbsentPresentPresentPresentPresentPresent
Pleural slidingNormalReducedReducedReducedReducedReduced
Subpleural consolidationsNot seen*PresentPresentPresentMaybe presentMaybe present
Large consolidationsNot seen*Present, typically dependentPresent, typically dependentNot seen*Not seenLobar, with air bronchograms
Moderate-large pleural effusionOften presentInfrequent. Small pleural effusions maybe presentInfrequent Small pleural effusions may be presentNot seen*Not seenMaybe present.
  • * If seen, a superimposed process should be considered.