Annual wellness visit template

Reason for visit
Chief complaint
Subjective narrative
Review of systems
“Please refer to patient-completed questionnaire (previsit template with checkboxes).”
Past medical history (diagnoses and dates)
Past surgical history
Family history
List of medications
Socioeconomic history
Substance use disorder assessment
Occupational history
Tobacco use
Recent hospitalizations
Vital signs, weight, height, body mass index
Physical examination
Vision and hearing evaluation
“Pertinent lab results and tests in the record were reviewed with the patient and a copy was provided to the patient as needed.”
Assessment of any cognitive impairment
General appearance
Mood and affect
Input from others
Notes and plan
Depression screening (PRIME MD-PHQ2)
Refresh note if PHQ-9 was completed Follow-up plan for depression
Functional ability
Does the patient exhibit a steady gait?
How long did it take the patient to get up and walk from a sitting position?
Is the patient self-reliant (can the patient do their own laundry, prepare meals, do household chores)?
Does the patient handle his or her own medications?
Does the patient handle his or her own money?
Is the patient’s home safe (eg, good lighting, handrails on stairs and bath)?
Did you notice or did patient express any hearing difficulties?
Did you notice or did patient express any vision difficulties?
Were distance and reading eye charts used?
Notes and plan
Advance care planning
Was patient offered the opportunity to discuss advance care planning?
If no, did you provide information on advance directives?
Notes and plan
Smoking cessation counseling
Electrocardiogram results
Required only in initial AWV
Screening recommendations
Assessments and plan