COVID-19 infection control guidance for health-care professionals from the CDC8

Precaution typeRecommended infection control practices
Standard precautions (All healthcare personnel)Hand hygiene
PPE as indicated for procedures
Respiratory hygiene
Proper patient placement indicated
Clean/disinfect equipment as
Masks and eye shields with
gowns if potential contact with body fluids
Needles and sharps management
Contact precautions (eg, Clostridium difficile)Single rooms
PPE: Gown, gloves
Limit patient travel
Use disposable equipment
Droplet precautions (eg, influenza)Single room and respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
PPE: Surgical mask
Limit travel
Source control (eg, mask on patient)
Airborne precautions (eg, tuberculosis)Airborne infection isolation room (eg, negative pressure room)
PPE: N95 or PAPR
Limit travel
Restrict personnel
Source control (eg mask on patient)
  • PAPR = powered air-purifying respirator; PPE = personnel protective equipment