Follow-up laboratory evaluation at the time of skin biopsy

TestValueaReference range
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate104 mm/hour0–10
C-reactive protein198.10 mg/L< 5.00 mg/L
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies< 1:20< 1:20
immunoglobulin (Ig) G
Rheumatoid factor10.7 IU/mL0–14.0
Beta 2 glycoprotein IgG1 U/mL0–20
Beta 2 glycoprotein IgM1 U/mL0–20
Cardiolipin IgA9.9 APL units0.0–13.9
Cardiolipin IgG6.7 GPL units0–9.9
Cardiolipin IgM< 2.5 MPL units0–9.9
Nuclear antibody IgG< 1:40< 1:40
  • a Abnormal results are shown in bold.