Effects of prematurity on organ systems, and management recommendations

Organ systemIncreased risksManagement
PulmonaryObstructive disease, pulmonary hypertensionEvaluate previous asthma diagnosis
Consider baseline pulmonary function testing
Avoid smoking, maintain healthy weight, promote exercise
Keep current on influenza and Pneumococcus vaccinations
RenalChronic kidney diseaseMonitor blood pressure regularly
Avoid nephrotoxins
Control blood pressure (consider an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor if a hypertension medication is needed)
Limit salt intake
Consider periodic urine microalbumin screening, renal ultrasonography
CardiovascularHypertension, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular diseaseMonitor blood pressure regularly
Avoid smoking, maintain healthy weight, promote exercise
Consider baseline echocardiogram with appropriate cardiovascular risk assessment
EndocrineDiabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, osteoporosisMonitor blood glucose, body mass composition, lipids
Maintain healthy body weight and abdominal girth
Ensure appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplementation
Promote weight-bearing exercise
Limit medications associated with causing metabolic abnormalities, dyslipidemia, worsening bone density
Central nervous systemAutism, mood disorders, intellectual disabilitiesBe alert to need for early evaluation and support