Studies of stellate ganglion block for vasomotor symptoms in female breast cancer survivors

StudyTreatmentOutcome measuresResults
Rahimzadeh et al, 201835
N = 40
SGB (10 mL 0.5% bupivacaine, laterality NR) vs paroxetine (7.5 mg)Baseline to 6 weeks
Hot flashes by Sloan scale
Seep disturbance measured via PSQI
Hot flash scores
 SGB group: 42.35 to 10.50 (P < .001)
 Paroxetine group: 36.85 to 10.94 (P < .001)
Sleep quality
 Trend toward better sleep noted
No significant differences between SGB and paroxetine groups in hot flash and sleep quality improvement
Adverse events: None; 1 mild headache
Othman and Zaky, 201436
N = 40
SGB (10 mL 0.5% bupivacaine, right lateral) vs pregabalin (75 mg twice daily)Baseline to 3 months
VMS frequency by self-reported daily hot fl ash diary and monthly questionnaire
Hot flashes using Sloan scale
 Mild VMS: 28.0 to 10.0 (P = .005)
 Moderate VMS: 83.2 to 8.0 (P = .005)
 Very severe hot flashes: 51.2 to 0 (P = .005)
Hot flashes
 Total score: 239.2 to 30.0 (P = .005)
 No significant differences between SGB and pregabalin
Adverse events: None
Walega et al, 201417
N = 40
SGB (5 mL 0.5% bupivacaine, right lateral) vs sham injectionBaseline to 4–6 months
Daily ambulatory sternal skin conductance monitoring and VMS diaries
 Reduced frequency in SGB group, event rate ratio: 0.71 (95% CI 0.64–0.99; P < .05)
 Reduced frequency (moderate to very severe) in SGB group, event rate ratio: 0.50 (95% CI 0.35–0.71; P < .001)
Adverse events: None
van Gastel et al, 201332
Open-label, case-series
N = 20
SGB (7 mL 0.5% bupivacaine, right lateral)
(1 excluded for lack of Horner syndrome after SGB)
Baseline to 4 weeks
Hot flushes by self-reported diary and hygrometric hot flash recorder
Quality of life and sleep disturbance by HFRDIS, MENQOL, ESS, and PSQI
Hot flush score
 Mean score decreased 34% (95% CI 18%–49%; P < .005)
Quality of life
 Decrease in daily flush interference (HFRDIS)
Sleep disturbance
 Decreased from 9.9 to 7.7 (P < .05) (PSQI)
Adverse events: redness of conjunctiva, minimal hoarseness in first hour after SGB
Haest et al, 201231
Pilot and main study
N = 34
SGB (10 mL 0.25% levobupivacaine up to 3 blocks, bilateral)Baseline to 1–24 weeks
Hot flashes by self-reported diary
Sleep quality assessed by self- reported diary and PSQI
Hot flash score
 Reduced from baseline by 64% (95% CI 49%–74%)
 Sleep quality
 Improved from OR 3.4 (95% CI 1.6–7.2) at week 1 to 4.3 (95% CI 1.9–9.8) at week 24
Adverse events: None
Pachman et al, 201133
Open-label, case series
N = 10 (8 evaluable)
SGB (7 mL 0.5% bupivacaine, right lateral)Baseline to 6 weeks
Hot flashes by self-reported daily diary and weekly symptom questionnaires
Hot flashes
 Frequency: 10.1 to 5.4
 Score: 17.6 to 9.8
Adverse events: None
Lipov et al, 200834
Open-label, pilot study
N = 13
SGB (7 mL 0.5% bupivacaine, up to 2 blocks, right lateral)Baseline to 12 weeks
Hot flashes by self-reported daily diary for Sloan hot flash score
Night awakenings by PSQIS
Hot flash totals
 At 2 weeks: from mean 79.4 (SD 37.4) per week to 49.9 (SD 39.9) (P < .0001)
 At 12 weeks: very severe near zero (P < .0001)
Adverse events: None
  • CI = confidence interval; ESS = Epworth Sleepiness Scale; HFRDIS = Hot Flash Related Daily Interference Scale; HT = hormone therapy; MENQOL = Menopause Specific Quality of Life; NR = not reported; OR = odds ratio; PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; RCT = randomized clinical trial; SD = standard deviation; SGB = stellate ganglion block; VMS = vasomotor symptoms