European Study of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions scoring system for acute generalized exanthematous pustulosisa

RashTypicalCompatibleInsufficientClinical courseYesNo
Pustules+2+10Mucosal involvement−20
Erythema+2+10Acute onset < 10 days0−2
Distribution/pattern+2+10Resolution < 15 days0−4
Fever > 38.75 °C+10
Postpustular desquamationIf yes, +1If no, 0Polymorphonuclear neutrophils > 7,000/mm3+10
Other disease−10
Not representative, or no histology0
Exocytosis of polymorphonuclear cells+1
Subcorneal and/or intraepidermal nonspongiform pustule(s) or pustule(s) not otherwise specified (NOS) with papillary edema; or subcorneal and/or intrepidermal spongiform or NOS pustule(s) without papillary edema+2
Spongiform subcorneal and/or intraepidermal pustule(s) with papillary edema+3
  • a Likelihood of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis based on total score: ≤ 0 = no; 1–4 = possible; 5–7 = probable; ≥ 8 = definite.

  • Adapted from information in reference 30.