The Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP): Selected warnings and recommendations

Tricyclic antidepressantsAvoid use with dementia, narrow-angle glaucoma, cardiac conduction abnormality, prostatism, or history of urinary retention because of risk of worsening these conditions
BenzodiazepinesNo indication for treatment beyond 4 weeks Risk of prolonged sedation, confusion, impaired balance, falls, traffic accidents Withdraw gradually if taken for > 2 weeks because of risk of withdrawal syndrome
Proton pump inhibitorsFor uncomplicated peptic ulcer disease or erosive peptic esophagitis, discontinue full therapeutic dosage before 8 weeks, or reduce dosage
Hypnotic “z” drugs (eg, zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon)May cause protracted daytime sedation, ataxia
Antimuscarinic drugsFor overactive bladder with concurrent dementia or chronic cognitive impairment, there is risk of increased confusion, agitation For narrow-angle glaucoma, there is risk of acute exacerbation of glaucoma For chronic prostatism, there is risk of urinary retention
  • Based on information in references 60 and 61.