FDA-approved preparations for vulvovaginal atrophy

ProductProprietary nameDosing
Vaginal creams
17-beta estradiolEstrace vaginal cream 0.1 mg/gInitial: 2–4 g/day for 1–2 weeks
Maintenance: 1 g at 1–3 times a weeka
Conjugated estrogensPremarin vaginal creamb (0.625 mg/g)Vulvovaginal atrophy: 0.5–2 g/d for 21 days, then off 7 days or twice a weeka
Dyspareunia: 0.5 g/day for 21 days, then off 7 days or twice a weeka
Vaginal ring
17-beta estradiolEstring (7.5 μg/day)Inserted for 90-day intervals without interruption
Estradiol acetateFemring (5 and 10 μg/day)
Vaginal tablet inserts
Estradiol hemihydrateVagifem, Yuvafemc (10 μg/day)Initial: 1 tablet/day for 2 weeks
Maintenance: 1 tablet twice a week
DHEA (prasterone)Intrarosa (6.5 mg insert)1 insert into vagina, once daily
Oral tablet
OspemifeneOsphena (60 mg)1 tablet orally every day
  • a Common clinical dosage is 0.5 g twice a week for maintenance.

  • b Premarin vaginal cream is the only locally applied preparation with FDA approval for dyspareunia due to GSM.

  • c Yuvafem is an FDA-approved generic equivalent to Vagifem.

  • DHEA = dehydroepiandrosterone; FDA = US Food and Drug Administration