Nonpharmacologic management of chronic constipation

Increase physical activity (most beneficial in early orning)
Toilet training. Instruct patients to:
Not ignore urges to defecate
Use correct posture, ie, “brace-pump” technique: sit on the toilet and lean forward, with knees higher than hips and with feet supported on a step to straighten the anorectal angle
Do deep-relaxation techniques while defecating
Avoid straining when passing stool
Not stay on the toilet for more than 5–10 minutes
Dietary changes
Drink a hot caffeinated beverage after waking up
Eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking up
Increase fluid intake to 1.5–2 L daily
Increase dietary fiber to 25–30 g daily; do this slowly to avoid abdominal cramps and bloating