Tomosynthesis for breast cancer screening: Methodology and findings from 3 large cohort studies

Author, yearStudy design and locationNo. of participants or examinationsCancer detection rates (per 1,000)aRecall rates (%)aPositive predictive values (%)a
Houssami et al8
2014 (STORM trial)
Prospective population-based cohort in Italy
Single and double readingb
7,292c7.5 vs 4.83.6 vs 4.221 vs 11.4
Skaane et al5
2013 (Oslo trial)
Prospective cohort in Norway (interim analysis)
Double reading
12,6318.0 vs 6.16.1 vs 6.728.5 vs 29.1
Friedewald et al11
Retrospective cohort in multiple US states
Single reading
454,850d5.4 vs 4.29.1 vs 10.76.4 vs 4.3
  • a Combined digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) plus digital mammography (DM) vs digital mammography alone.

  • b Table includes single-reading results only.

  • c 5% of invited women declined DBT plus DM.

  • d 173,663 examinations with DBP plus DM, 281,187 with DM only.

  • STORM = Screening With Tomosynthesis or Standard Mammography