Acute monocular vision loss: Diagnostic clues from the history

FeatureCommon conditionsAdditional features
Eye painAcute angle-closure glaucomaAge > 60 and family history
Deep brow, headache with nausea and vomiting
Halos around lights
Optic neuritisPain worsens with eye movements
Loss of color vision (red desaturation)
Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)Sharp superficial pain (“grittiness”)
Discharge from the eye
Conjunctival hyperemia (red eye)Acute angle-closure glaucomaSee above
KeratitisSee above
UveitisRedness prominent at limbus (convergence between cornea and sclera)
Systemic features suggesting autoimmune disease
HeadacheGiant cell arteritisAge > 50
Scalp tenderness (new onset, temporally based headache)
Jaw claudication
Proximal muscle pain
MigraineYounger patients
Preceded by migraine prodrome
Symptoms resolve within hour
Photopsia (flashes of bright light)Retinal detachmentMyopia
Recent history of ophthalmic procedures
Partial loss of peripheral field
Preceding traumaKeratitis or uveitisAccompanying milder trauma
Hyphema (blood in the anterior chamber)History of blunt trauma
Recent history of ophthalmic procedures
Lens dislocation or rupturePredisposed by congenital conditions
Associated small, irregular pupil
  • Information from references 2 and 3.