Bridging for patients taking warfarin

Give last warfarin dose on day –6
Start bridging on day –3 with one of the following:
 Enoxaparin 1 mg/kg twice daily or 1.5 mg/kg once daily
 Dalteparin 100 IU/kg twice daily or 200 IU/kg once daily
 Tinzaparin 175 IU/kg once daily
 Nadroparin 85 IU/kg twice daily
Give last bridging dose on the morning of day –1
Do not routinely check the international normalized ratio on the day before surgery (> 90% will be < 1.5) except for very high-risk cases or patients having neuraxial anesthesia
Do not continue aspirin; stop 7 days preoperatively, and resume 7 days postoperatively
Give the patient precise instructions for the bridging plan
Give double dose of warfarin on the first 1–2 days postoperatively
Resume bridging when hemostasis is secured:
 24 hours after low-bleeding-risk surgery
 48–72 hours after high-bleeding-risk surgery
Do not use therapeutic-dose bridging at all for:
 Cardiac surgery
 Intracranial or spinal surgery
 Cancer surgery (eg, Whipple procedure)
 Reconstructive surgery (eg, skin grafting)