Examples of symptom-triggered dosing and CIWA-Ar scores

CIWA-Ar scoreChlordiazepoxide dose (oral)aLorazepam dose (oral or intravenous)aReassess CIWA-Ar and vital signs, and redose
0–7No medication necessaryNo medication necessaryEvery 2 hours
8–1025–50 mg1–2 mgEvery 2 hours
11–1550–75 mg2–3 mgEvery 1–2 hours
16–1975–100 mg3–4 mgEvery 1–2 hours
20 or greaterEvaluation for patient transfer to intensive care unit
CIWA-Ar < 8 for three consecutive checksReassess or redose to every 4 hours. If score remains < 8 every 4 hours on three checks, reassess or redose every 8 hours. If CIWA-Ar score is < 8 for 48 hours, discontinue monitoring.
  • a Patients with liver failure and elderly patients should be started on lower doses. CIWA-Ar = revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol scale (Table 1)

  • Based on references 15, 16, and 19.