Insulin classes: Onset-of-action profiles

Insulin classGeneric (brand)OnsetPeakDuration
Fast- or rapid-actingAspart (Novolog)10–15 min~60 min3–4 hrs
Lispro (Humalog)10–15 min~60 min3–4 hrs
Glulisine (Apidra)10–15 min~60 min3–4 hrs
Short-actingRegular insulin (Humulin R, Novolin R/ReliOn R)30–60 min2–4 hrs6–8 hrs
Intermediate-actingNPH insulin (Humulin N, Novolin N/ReliOn N)1–2 hrs3–8 hrs12–15 hrs
Long-actingGlargine (Lantus)2 hrsNo real peak22–24 hrs
Glargine (Toujeo)6 hrsNo real peak22–24 hrs
Glargine (Basaglar)a2 hrsNo real peak24 hrs
Detemir (Levemir)3–8 hrsNo real peak17–24 hrs
Degludec (Tresiba)1 hrNo real peak42 hrs
Premixed75% Insulin lispro protamine/25% insulin lispro (Humalog mix 75/25)5–15 minDual10–16 hrs
50% Insulin lispro protamine/50% insulin lispro (Humalog mix 50/50)5–15 minDual10–16 hrs
70% Insulin lispro protamine/30% insulin aspart (Novolog mix 70/30)5–15 minDual10–16 hrs
70% NPH insulin/30% regular insulin (Humulin, Novolin/ReliOn)30–60 minDual10–16 hrs
  • a Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration; scheduled to be marketed December 2016.

  • NPH = neutral protamine Hagedorn.