Drug mechanisms associated with serotonin syndrome

MechanismSpecific agents
Decreased serotonin breakdownMonoamine oxidase inhibitorsa: phenelzine, tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid, moclobemide, selegiline, rasagiline
Antibiotics: linezolid, tedizolid
Others: methylene blue, procarbazine, Syrian rue
Decreased serotonin reuptakeAntidepressants:
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsa : fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, escitalopram
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitorsa: venlafaxine, duloxetine, milnacipran
Tricyclic antidepressantsa: clomipramine, imipramine
St. John’s wort
Opioidsa: meperidine, buprenorphine, tramadol, tapentadol, dextromethorphan
Antiepileptics: valproate, carbamezapine
Antiemetics: ondansetron, granisetron, metoclopramide
Increased serotonin precursors or agonistsTryptophan, lithium, fentanyl, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Increased serotonin releaseCentral nervous system stimulants: amphetaminesa
Anorecticsa: fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, phentermine
Drugs of abuse: methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy),a cocaine
CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 inhibitorsAntibiotics: erythromycin, ciprofloxacin
Antifungal: fluconazole
Antiretroviral: ritonavir
  • a Confirmed to precipitate serotonin syndrome. The others have not been reliably confirmed and are based on case reports or expert opinion.