More articles from Clinical Reviews
- Diagnosing and treating hallux valgus: A conservative approach for a common problem
For most patients with hallux valgus, the problem is caused by wearing shoes that are too tight. How to evaluate and treat this problem, and when to refer to an orthopaedic surgeon.
- Ethical perspectives on Jehovah's Witnesses’ refusal of blood
Jehovah's Witnesses are not antimedicine, but do refuse blood transfusions and blood products. How to deal with the treatment dilemmas this can create.
- Travel medicine for the primary care physician
Reviewing the potential risks and how to avoid them greatly enhances the chances of an uneventful trip.
- The elderly driver: What physicians need to know
Objective measures of an elderly driver's accident risk are lacking, but a simple assessment of function can provide insights.
- Panic disorder in primary care: A cause of unexplained symptoms
Many symptoms of panic attacks are physical, making diagnosis difficult and often suggesting another illness.
- Vascular claudication: How to individualize treatment
Clinicians today have a wider variety of options for treating claudication, from medical therapy to angioplasty or surgery.
- What's new in the treatment of hypertension
Systolic pressure predicts risk more accurately than diastolic pressure. The current goal of 140/90 is probably not aggressive enough.
- Management of bite wounds and infection in primary care
Bite wounds can be deceptive, as seemingly minor wounds can result in serious complications, such as septic arthritis.
- Extraesophageal presentations of gastroesophageal reflux disease: the case for aggressive diagnosis and treatment
GERD often causes noncardiac chest pain, asthma, and ear, nose, and throat problems. Aggressive prevention of acid reflux, using either drugs or surgery, is the key to treatment.
- Experiences of a sleep disorders center: 1700 patients later
Sleep studies reveal many patients to have specific sleep abnormalities different from what might be suspected from the clinical history.