A case of bilateral intratubular and interstitial malignant germcell neoplasia of the testes is reported in a 26-year-old man with bilateral cryptorchidism and Crohn's disease of the colon. Malignant intratubular and interstitial germ-cell neoplasia is a recently recognized entity associated with a contralateral testicular germcell tumor, infertility, and cryptorchidism. Although long-term data are not available, an orchiopexy performed early in the patient's life may protect against infertility or the development of a malignant tumor. The author advocates the orchiopexy of cryptorchid testes of patients, ideally in the second year of life, as well as biopsy of the testes of older, high-risk men to identify neoplasia at an early stage prior to the development of a more malignant germ-cell tumor.
- Received January 1984.
- Accepted February 1984.
- Copyright © 1984 The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. All Rights Reserved.