Seventeen patients received 19 orthotopic liver transplants at the Cleveland Clinic in the initial clinical phase of the liver transplantation program developed by a team of surgeons, gastroenterologists, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, and social workers. The survival rate of 71% after a mean follow-up of six months is equal to that seen in other centers. The technical demands are high, and postoperative complications are many. The demands on limited resources, such as blood for transfusion, are modest. The quality of life among survivors has been, with two exceptions, excellent. The indications for liver transplantation are evolving. It is anticipated that this operation will be performed more often. Patients to be considered for transplantation need to be referred before they have deteriorated too much to be operated on.
- Received October 1986.
- Accepted December 1986.
- Copyright © 1987 The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. All Rights Reserved.