A case of cystic peritoneal mesothelioma with repeated local recurrences is presented. Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical studies confirmed the mesothelial character of the lesion. The literature was reviewed and 20 previously reported cases tabulated. Cystic mesothelioma is a relatively “benign” tumor characterized by frequent intra-abdominal recurrences without distant metastases. Morbidity associated with the lesion is due to local tumor recurrence. Patients are usually women of reproductive age with complaints of abdominal pain. Some tumors are discovered initially as incidental findings. No specific factors are helpful in predicting which tumors are most likely to recur. Recurrences are independent of lesion size at initial or recurrent presentation, adequacy of tumor resection, or the use of adjunctive therapy. No consistent etiologic factor has yet been identified in the pathogenesis of this rare neoplasm.
- Received September 1985.
- Accepted November 1985.
- Copyright © 1986 The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. All Rights Reserved.