Table of Contents
From the Editor
- No pig in a poke
As we approach the 2009 flu season, “swine flu” presents a real and distinct concern for patients, clinicians, and public health officials.
Cardiovascular Board Review
- A middle-aged man with progressive fatigue
He has been taking good care of himself, but 1 year ago his ejection fraction was 60% and now it is 35%. He also has a new left bundle branch block. What is the cause?
The Clinical Picture
- Ulcerative leg nodules in a transplant recipient
Three weeks after undergoing bilateral lung transplantation, the patient has developed new nodules on his leg. What is the cause?
Medical Grand Rounds
- Update on 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus
The approaches to vaccination, prophylaxis, and treatment will be more complex this year. Unsuspected cases of influenza in hospitalized patients or health care workers working with influenza pose the greatest threat for transmission of influenza within the hospital. Health care workers need to stay home when sick.
- Nephrolithiasis: Treatment, causes, and prevention
Kidney stones are not all the same, and neither are their treatment, causes, or prevention. Paradoxically, calcium restriction is not warranted for patients who have calcium stones, and may even be harmful.
- Less-invasive ways to remove stones from the kidneys and ureters
Lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, and percutaneous nephrolithotomy all have advantages and disadvantages in different situations. But not all patients with stones need intervention.
- Recognizing and treating cutaneous signs of liver disease
If we can recognize these manifestations early, we will be better able to promptly diagnose and treat the underlying liver disease as well as the skin lesions.
- Autoimmune pancreatitis: A mimic of pancreatic cancer
The accurate and timely diagnosis of this benign disease may preempt the misdiagnosis of cancer and decrease the number of unnecessary pancreatic resections.