Index by author
Ahmad, Muzaffar
- You have accessPulmonary Embolism: Improving the OddsMuzaffar Ahmad, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 298-299;
Early diagnosis and institution of therapy can alter the unexpected and unwarranted outcomes of PE.
Arnold, Anita Zeiler
- You have accessRight heart failure after chemotherapyAnita Zeiler Arnold, DO and Mehdi Razavi, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 357-360;
Severe right-sided ventricular dysfunction in a 49-yearold man following aggressive chemotherapy for metastatic colon carcinoma.
Bakst, Alan
- You have accessAlpha- and beta-blocking agents: pharmacology and propertiesB.N.C. PrichardCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 337-350;
Continued investigations into the multiple effects of certain alpha and beta blockers may provide clues to more effective treatment of hypertension.
Bartlett, James C.
- You have accessTransesophageal echocardiography in the critical care unitVicente E. Font, MD, Timothy P. Obarski, DO, Allan L. Klein, MD, James C. Bartlett, DO, James J. Nemec, MD, William J. Stewart, MD and Ernesto E. Salcedo, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 315-322;
Transesophageal echocardiography can provide a new acoustic window to the heart in critically ill patients, offering improved identification of cardiac abnormalities.
Basheda, Stephen G.
- You have accessObstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Clinical Research and Treatment ed. by Christian Guilleminault and Markka PartinenStephen G. Basheda, DO and Joseph A. Golish, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 364;
Beavis, Kathleen Gleason
- You have accessOrdering Stool Exams: Room for ImprovementKathleen Gleason Beavis, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 299-300;
Recommendations for the optimal use of stool exams in hospitalized patients with diarrhea.
Booher, Delbert L.
- You have accessIn reply: Estrogen Supplements in MenopauseDelbert L. Booher, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 366;
Desai, Robert K.
- You have accessHepatic infarction: MRI appearanceMarcus S. Fields, MD and Robert K. Desai, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 353-355;
Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated the wedgeshaped nature of a right hepatic lesion more precisely than computed tomography.
Ettinger, Bruce
- You have accessEstrogen Supplements in MenopauseBruce Ettinger, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 366;
Fields, Marcus S.
- You have accessHepatic infarction: MRI appearanceMarcus S. Fields, MD and Robert K. Desai, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 1991, 58 (4) 353-355;
Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated the wedgeshaped nature of a right hepatic lesion more precisely than computed tomography.