Index by author
Arroliga, Alejandro C.
- You have accessA 36-year-old woman with progressive shortness of breath and chylous pleural effusionDavid L. Longworth, MD, James K. Stoller, MD, Raed A. Dweik, MD and Alejandro C. Arroliga, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 129-131;
A self-test of clinical recognition.
Cash, Joseph M.
- You have accessManaging lupus nephritis: algorithms for conservative use of renal biopsyRoderick H. Salach, DO and Joseph M. Cash, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 106-115;
Despite the widespread use of renal biopsy, lupus nephritis can usually be managed on the basis of clinical presentation alone.
Cloug, John D.
- You have accessHealth quality data: Are flawed data better than none?John D. Cloug, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 75-76;
Comments on the critique of quality assessment by Vogel and Topol in this issue. A Cleveland project highlights the promise and peril of quality measurements.
Dweik, Raed A.
- You have accessA 36-year-old woman with progressive shortness of breath and chylous pleural effusionDavid L. Longworth, MD, James K. Stoller, MD, Raed A. Dweik, MD and Alejandro C. Arroliga, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 129-131;
A self-test of clinical recognition.
Furlan, Anthony J.
- You have accessTherapy for acute ischemic stroke: the door opensCathy A. Sila, MD and Anthony J. Furlan, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 77-79;
Finally, a successful trial of treatment for acute stroke. Now, a major effort is needed to reduce time from onset to treatment.
Hadler, Nortin M.
- You have accessIs fibromyalgia a useful diagnostic label?Nortin M. Hadler, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 85-87;
Fibromyalgia is a harmful diagnosis that magnifies everyday complaints into a full-blown syndrome.
Hoffman, Gary S.
- You have accessAcute myelogenous leukemia in first complete remissionMatt E. Kalaycioglu, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 91-93;
Outcomes can be predicted by, and therapy tailored to, specific prognostic factors, such as age and karyotype.
Kalaycioglu, Matt E.
- You have accessAcute myelogenous leukemia in first complete remissionMatt E. Kalaycioglu, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 91-93;
Outcomes can be predicted by, and therapy tailored to, specific prognostic factors, such as age and karyotype.
Longworth, David L.
- You have accessA 36-year-old woman with progressive shortness of breath and chylous pleural effusionDavid L. Longworth, MD, James K. Stoller, MD, Raed A. Dweik, MD and Alejandro C. Arroliga, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 129-131;
A self-test of clinical recognition.
Olin, Jeffrey W.
- You have accessCholesterol lowering: perspectives on the 4S and West of Scotland studiesJeffrey W. Olin, DOCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine March 1996, 63 (2) 80-83;
Recent studies have resolved lingering doubts about cholesterol-lowering therapy, but questions on lipid management remain.