Index by author
Clough, John D.
- You have accessDear ColleagueJohn D. Clough, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 3;
- You have accessEvery action causes a reaction: the inevitable backlash against managed careJohn D. Clough, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 7-8;
We should be wary of getting carried away with HMO-bashing, lest we create a nightmarish system that has all the limited choices of managed care—without reducing costs.
Ellenbogen, Kenneth A.
- You have accessCardioversion or rate control for atrial fibrillation: balancing risks and benefitsKenneth A. Ellenbogen, MD and Patrick J. Tchou, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 31-36;
In managing atrial fibrillation, should physicians try to restore and maintain sinus rhythm, or take a more conservative approach and try only to control the heart rate and prevent thromboembolism?
Hoeltge, Gerald A.
- You have accessIn MemoriamGerald A. Hoeltge, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 52;
Longworth, David L.
- You have accessNonresolving alveolar infiltrates in a 43-year-old womanThomas R. Murphy, MD, Eugene J. Sullivan, MD and James K. Stoller, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 21-25;
A 43-year-old woman presents with a 1-year history of intermittent nonproductive cough. What is the diagnosis and treatment?
Markman, Maurie
- You have accessWhen and how to use serum tumor markers in clinical practiceMaurie Markman, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 27-29;
Clinicians have long wanted a simple test sensitive enough to detect cancer in its early stages, yet specific enough to not produce false-positive results. Unfortunately, no such ideal test exists, or is likely to.
Meehan, Michael J.
- You have accessThe constitutionality of physician-assisted suicide: the cases and issues before the US Supreme CourtMichael J. Meehan, JDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 13-15;
How the Court rules on physician-assisted suicide will spur further legal debate for decades.
Mendelson, Wallace B.
- You have accessExperiences of a sleep disorders center: 1700 patients laterWallace B. Mendelson, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 46-51;
Sleep studies reveal many patients to have specific sleep abnormalities different from what might be suspected from the clinical history.
Murphy, Thomas R.
- You have accessNonresolving alveolar infiltrates in a 43-year-old womanThomas R. Murphy, MD, Eugene J. Sullivan, MD and James K. Stoller, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 21-25;
A 43-year-old woman presents with a 1-year history of intermittent nonproductive cough. What is the diagnosis and treatment?
Olin, Jack S.
- You have accessCluster HeadacheJack S. Olin, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 53;
Richter, Joel E.
- You have accessExtraesophageal presentations of gastroesophageal reflux disease: the case for aggressive diagnosis and treatmentJoel E. Richter, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine January 1997, 64 (1) 37-45;
GERD often causes noncardiac chest pain, asthma, and ear, nose, and throat problems. Aggressive prevention of acid reflux, using either drugs or surgery, is the key to treatment.