Index by author
Arunkumar, G.
- You have accessEpilepsy update: New medical and surgical treatment optionsG. Arunkumar, MD and Harold Morris, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 527-537;
We have more treatment options for epilepsy than ever before, but to use them properly, physicians must classify the seizure type accurately.
Benbadis, Selim R.
- You have accessDaytime sleepiness: When is it normal? When to refer?Selim R. Benbadis, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 543-549;
Daytime sleepiness has potentially serious consequences and should be investigated like any other symptom. With an algorithm for office evaluation.
Calabrese, Leonard
- You have accessSevere back and abdominal pain in a 44-year-old womanAmir Jaffer, MD and Leonard Calabrese, DOCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 515-518;
What is the likely cause of this patient’s symptoms? A self-quiz on a clinical case.
Clough, John D.
- You have accessDear ColleagueJohn D. Clough, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 506;
Hobbs, Robert E.
- You have accessResults of the Atlas StudyRobert E. Hobbs, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 539-542;
A large clinical trial shows that high doses of an ACE inhibitor are superior to the low doses that many physicians prescribe.
Hoffman, Gary S.
- You have accessThe difficulties of differentiating vasculitis from its mimicsKenneth E. Sack, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 550-552;
The signs and symptoms of vasculitis are not specific, and the tests for it can be misleading.
Jaffer, Amir
- You have accessSevere back and abdominal pain in a 44-year-old womanAmir Jaffer, MD and Leonard Calabrese, DOCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 515-518;
What is the likely cause of this patient’s symptoms? A self-quiz on a clinical case.
Kavuru, Mani S.
- You have accessAntileukotrienes and asthma: Alternative or adjunct to inhaled steroids?Mani S. Kavuru, MD, Revathi Subramony, RPH and Ana R. Vann, PharmDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 519-526;
A new class of oral drugs decrease airway inflammation and constriction. An illustration shows how the new antileukotriene drugs block the process of airway inflammation.
Lichtin, Alan
- You have accessIdiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura: Guidance amid uncertaintyAlan Lichtin, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 510-514;
A panel of experts has issued clinical guidelines for treating thrombocytopenic purpura, but points out that we lack solid evidence from randomized trials.
Longworth, David L.
- You have accessSevere back and abdominal pain in a 44-year-old womanAmir Jaffer, MD and Leonard Calabrese, DOCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine November 1998, 65 (10) 515-518;
What is the likely cause of this patient’s symptoms? A self-quiz on a clinical case.