Table of Contents
From the Editor
- CME credit: Fewer hours, but still a good deal
Owing to ACCME regulations, we can give you only 1 hour of CME credit per issue instead of the 2 hours you have been getting. Still, we hope you find the Journal worth your time and attention.
- Taking it to the bar: Medicolegal ramifications of perioperative steroid coverage
Will a jury side with an expert witness who cites “usual and customary” practice—or with one who cites published evidence?
1-Minute Consult
- When is perioperative ‘steroid coverage’ necessary?
Although data are lacking, it seems prudent to boost glucocorticoid doses in the perioperative period for patients receiving long-term steroid therapy.
Medical Grand Rounds
- Adverse events: Reducing the risk of litigation
Common-sense measures can prevent adverse outcomes and lawsuits.
Interpreting Key Trials
- Statins in acute coronary syndromes: Start them in the hospital
New data indicate statins should be started as soon as possible in acute coronary syndromes. Current guidelines may need to be changed.
Im Board Review
- A 45-year-old woman with acute-onset weakness in the intensive care unit
What is the cause of this patient’s symptoms? A self-test.
- Cultural and clinical issues in the care of Asian patients
Three case studies that illustrate some of the special problems affecting the health care of Asian patients and ways to deal with them constructively.
The Clinical Picture
- A homeless 63-year-old man with an abnormal electrocardiogram
Questions and answers on the visible signs of diseases.
- Sepsis: Menu of new approaches replaces one therapy for all
Recombinant human activated protein C is the first therapy approved for treating sepsis. However, instead of a “one therapy for all” approach, we are finding that therapy must be targeted.
Heart Valve Update
- Caring for patients with prosthetic heart valves
General internists have a leading role in providing routine care, including regular physical examinations, echocardiograms, antithrombotic therapy, and antibiotic prophylaxis against endocarditis.