Index by author
Alexander, Neil B.
- You have accessGait disorders: Search for multiple causesNeil B. Alexander, MD and Allon Goldberg, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 586-600;
Gait disorders in elderly patients often lead to falls, disability, and functional decline. More often than not, they represent more than one coexisting condition.
Baker, Mark E.
- You have accessRecognizing and managing acute diverticulitis for the internistJames S. Wu, MD and Mark E. Baker, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 620-627;
Acute diverticulitis can present in a number of ways and is often confused with colonic spasm or irritable bowel syndrome. Missing the diagnosis can have serious consequences.
Blackburn, George L.
- You have accessPhysician’s guide to the new 2005 dietary guidelines: How best to counsel patientsGeorge L. Blackburn, MD, PhD and Belinda A. WaltmanCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 609-618;
Health care providers can become agents of change and give patients practical suggestions for taking in fewer calories, being more physically active, and making wiser food choices.
Borg, Bryson
- You have accessImaging in acute brain infarctionBryson Borg, MD and Thomas J. Masaryk, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 579-585;
A 77-year-old woman is brought by ambulance to the emergency department with suspected acute stroke. Which imaging test is recommended, and why?
Brener, Sorin J.
- You have accessPrimary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute MI: Improving access and outcomesJuhana Karha, MD, Matthew A. Hook, MD and Sorin J. Brener, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 559-576;
Patients have a better chance of surviving an acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction if they undergo percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) rather than fibrinolytic therapy. Studies have addressed ways to improve PCI and to make it more accessible.
Dalal, Gunjan M.
- You have accessA 35-year-old man with recurrent hoarsenessGunjan M. Dalal, MB, BS and Atul C. Mehta, MB, BSCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 549-550;
He has undergone laser photoresection of a tracheal mass three times in the past 2 years. What is the diagnosis?
Dmochowski, Roger R.
- You have accessIn reply: Overactive bladder (February 2005)Matt T. Rosenberg, MD and Roger R. Dmochowski, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 544-545;
Einstein, David M.
- You have accessImaging in acute brain infarctionBryson Borg, MD and Thomas J. Masaryk, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 579-585;
A 77-year-old woman is brought by ambulance to the emergency department with suspected acute stroke. Which imaging test is recommended, and why?
- You have accessNew SeriesBrian R. Herts, MD and David M. Einstein, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 578;
Each article begins with an actual case and focuses on how imaging should be used to establish or exclude a particular diagnosis, with emphasis on the care of the patient.
Goldberg, Allon
- You have accessGait disorders: Search for multiple causesNeil B. Alexander, MD and Allon Goldberg, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 586-600;
Gait disorders in elderly patients often lead to falls, disability, and functional decline. More often than not, they represent more than one coexisting condition.
Herts, Brian R.
- You have accessImaging in acute brain infarctionBryson Borg, MD and Thomas J. Masaryk, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 579-585;
A 77-year-old woman is brought by ambulance to the emergency department with suspected acute stroke. Which imaging test is recommended, and why?
- You have accessNew SeriesBrian R. Herts, MD and David M. Einstein, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2005, 72 (7) 578;
Each article begins with an actual case and focuses on how imaging should be used to establish or exclude a particular diagnosis, with emphasis on the care of the patient.