Index by author
Abelson, Tom I.
- You have accessThe electronic medical record: Learning to swimTom I. Abelson, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 415-419; DOI:
Skepticism and vigilance are warranted, but so is optimism.
Alexopoulos, Andreas V.
- You have accessPharmacoresistant epilepsy: From pathogenesis to current and emerging therapiesSandipan Pati, MD and Andreas v. Alexopoulos, MD, MPHCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 457-467; DOI:
Almost one-third of people with epilepsy continue to have seizures despite appropriate treatment. We recommend early referral to an epilepsy center.
Brethauer, Stacy
- You have accessBariatric surgery for type 2 diabetes: Weighing the impact for obese patientsSangeeta R. Kashyap, MD, Patrick Gatmaitan, MD, Stacy Brethauer, MD and Philip Schauer, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 468-476; DOI:
Bariatric surgery results in remission of diabetes in most patients. Why should this be?
Crum-cianflone, Nancy F.
- You have accessThe eyes: A window into the pastNancy F. Crum-Cianflone, MD, MPHCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 422-424; DOI:
The patient, 33 years old and living in Southern California, has “spots” on the retina. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Gatmaitan, Patrick
- You have accessBariatric surgery for type 2 diabetes: Weighing the impact for obese patientsSangeeta R. Kashyap, MD, Patrick Gatmaitan, MD, Stacy Brethauer, MD and Philip Schauer, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 468-476; DOI:
Bariatric surgery results in remission of diabetes in most patients. Why should this be?
Hajjar, Victor
- You have accessPyogenic liver abscessNoreen T. Nazir, MD, Joshua D. Penfield, MD, MS and Victor Hajjar, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 426-427; DOI:
Klebsiella pneumoniae has emerged as the most common organism seen in pyogenic liver abscess.
Hanlon, J. Timothy
- You have accessThe electronic medical record: Diving into a shallow pool?J. Timothy Hanlon, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 408-411; DOI:
We should reassess the possible unintended consequences of the rush to adopt electronic medical records.
Hicks, Caitlin W.
- You have accessMenstrual manipulation: Options for suppressing the cycleCaitlin W. Hicks, BA and Ellen S. Rome, MD, MPHCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 445-453; DOI:
If they wish, women can have more control over when and if they menstruate, even though myths and misperceptions abound among clinicians.
Kashyap, Sangeeta R.
- You have accessBariatric surgery for type 2 diabetes: Weighing the impact for obese patientsSangeeta R. Kashyap, MD, Patrick Gatmaitan, MD, Stacy Brethauer, MD and Philip Schauer, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 468-476; DOI:
Bariatric surgery results in remission of diabetes in most patients. Why should this be?
Leonard, Mandy
- You have accessCoenzyme Q10: A therapy for hypertension and statin-induced myalgia?Marcia Wyman, PharmD, Mandy Leonard, PharmD, BCPS and Thomas Morledge, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine July 2010, 77 (7) 435-442; DOI:
These supplements appear to be safe, but larger trials are needed to determine if they are truly effective.