Index by author
October 01, 1964; Volume 31,Issue 4
Battle, John D.
- You have accessInvestigation of the Patient with ‘Cryptic Anemia’John D. Battle, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 195-200;
Brown, Charles H.
- You have accessEffective Spontaneous Portacaval Venous ShuntB. H. Sullivan, M.D., Charles H. Brown, M.D., Thomas F. Meaney, M.D. and Earl K. Shirey, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 219-226;
Effler, Donald B.
- You have accessAcknowledgmentDonald B. Effler, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 239;
Gara, Arthur H.
- You have accessReversed Coil Artificial KidneyPeter D. Smith, Arthur H. Gara and Willem J. Kolff, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 235-238;
Hainline, Adrian
- You have accessAn Evaluation of the Fasting Blood-Glucose Level as an Index of Abnormal Carbohydrate ToleranceAdrian Hainline, Ph.D. and Dan F. Keller, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 209-212;
Hartwell, Shattuck W.
- You have accessCervical EsophagostomyBoynton T. Woodburn, M.D. and Shattuck W. Hartwell, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 231-234;
Hoerr, Stanley O.
- You have accessCurrent Concepts in the Surgeon’s Treatment of Bleeding Duodenal UlcerStanley O. Hoerr, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 201-207;
Keller, Dan F.
- You have accessAn Evaluation of the Fasting Blood-Glucose Level as an Index of Abnormal Carbohydrate ToleranceAdrian Hainline, Ph.D. and Dan F. Keller, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 209-212;
Kolff, Willem J.
- You have accessReversed Coil Artificial KidneyPeter D. Smith, Arthur H. Gara and Willem J. Kolff, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 235-238;
Meaney, Thomas F.
- You have accessEffective Spontaneous Portacaval Venous ShuntB. H. Sullivan, M.D., Charles H. Brown, M.D., Thomas F. Meaney, M.D. and Earl K. Shirey, M.D.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine October 1964, 31 (4) 219-226;