Table of Contents
From the Editor
- There may be zebras running with the horses
Common diseases are indeed common, but patients with less-common ones do fi nd their way into our practices.
The Clinical Picture
- Air leakage in multiple compartments after endoscopy
An attempt to cannulate the common bile duct led to abdominal pain and distention and crepitus of the right chest wall.
- Concurrent uvulitis and epiglottitis
A 66-year-old woman presented with fever, cough, odynophagia, and anterior neck pain.
- Eruptive xanthoma: Warning sign of systemic disease
Initial laboratory testing showed a triglyceride level of 5,742 mg/dL.
- Update in perioperative cardiac medicine
Risk assessment, risk reduction, antiplatelet therapy after stent placement, and bridging anticoagulation.
- Skin findings associated with nutritional deficiencies
Reviewing the dermatologic effects of defi ciencies of zinc and vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, and C.
- Nonatherosclerotic limb ischemia: Prompt evaluation and diagnosis
Symptoms of ischemia may be difficult to recognize in younger patients, thus delaying diagnosis.
- The ABCs of managing systolic heart failure: Past, present, and future
Digitalis, diuretics, and bedrest have given way to neurohormonal blockade and physical rehabilitation.
- Evolution of heart failure management: Miles to go
Despite progress, too many patients still suffer, too many die too young, and the costs are still too great.
- Anemia of chronic kidney disease (August 2016)
An error appeared in “Anemia of chronic kidney disease: Treat it, but not too aggressively” by Drs. Georges Nakhoul and James F. Simon (Cleve Clin J Med 2016; 83:613–624).