Index by author
Antonelli, Maria J.
- You have accessThe constellation of vitamin D, the acute-phase response, and inflammationMaria J. Antonelli, MD, Irving Kushner, MD and Murray Epstein, MD, FASN, FACPCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 85-89; DOI:
An astronomic increase in vitamin D testing and supplementation is happening in the absence of an evidence-based rationale.
Calle, Juan
- You have accessResistant hypertension: A stepwise approachJordana Yahr, DO, George Thomas, MD, Juan Calle, MD and Jonathan J. Taliercio, DOCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 115-125; DOI:
The authors review the definition and prevalence of resistant hypertension and its diagnostic workup and management, including lifestyle modifications, drugs, and experimental therapies.
Epstein, Murray
- You have accessThe constellation of vitamin D, the acute-phase response, and inflammationMaria J. Antonelli, MD, Irving Kushner, MD and Murray Epstein, MD, FASN, FACPCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 85-89; DOI:
An astronomic increase in vitamin D testing and supplementation is happening in the absence of an evidence-based rationale.
Hayashi, Kamichika
- You have accessOral leukoplakia and oral cancerTakeshi Onda, DDS, PhD, Kamichika Hayashi, DDS, PhD, Akira Katakura, DDS, PhD and Masayuki Takano, DDS, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 79-80; DOI:
A 53-year-old male who had smoked for 36 years was referred by his dentist for worsening vitiligo diagnosed as leukoplakia 3 years earlier.
Katakura, Akira
- You have accessOral leukoplakia and oral cancerTakeshi Onda, DDS, PhD, Kamichika Hayashi, DDS, PhD, Akira Katakura, DDS, PhD and Masayuki Takano, DDS, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 79-80; DOI:
A 53-year-old male who had smoked for 36 years was referred by his dentist for worsening vitiligo diagnosed as leukoplakia 3 years earlier.
Kushner, Irving
- You have accessThe constellation of vitamin D, the acute-phase response, and inflammationMaria J. Antonelli, MD, Irving Kushner, MD and Murray Epstein, MD, FASN, FACPCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 85-89; DOI:
An astronomic increase in vitamin D testing and supplementation is happening in the absence of an evidence-based rationale.
Li, Yuebing
- You have accessMyasthenia gravis: Frequently asked questionsJohn A. Morren, MD and Yuebing Li, MD, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 103-113; DOI:
Who is at risk? Which tests should be ordered? How does the disease course affect management decisions? What instructions should you give patients? And other questions.
Long, Bruce
- You have accessVitamin D: A metabolic bone disease perspectiveBruce Long, MD, FACR, BS PharmCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 91-92; DOI:
When checking levels, clinicians should keep in mind that vitamin D levels fluctuate by season and time of day, and that different laboratories may use different assays that yield different results.
Mandell, Brian F.
- You have accessMyasthenia gravis: An update for internistsBrian F. Mandell, MD, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 72-73; DOI:
Recognizing the spectrum of the disease in patients’ complaints enhances our clinical reasoning skills when faced with the extremely commonly expressed symptom of “fatigue.”
- You have accessOur Peer-Reviewers For 2022Brian F. Mandell, MD, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 78;
Morren, John A.
- You have accessWhat are the treatment options for myasthenia gravis if first-line agents fail?Christopher Zust, MD and John A. Morren, MDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 81-84; DOI:
From 5% to 20% of patients may have a suboptimal response or prohibitive adverse effects over a period of a few weeks to 3 months.
- You have accessMyasthenia gravis: Frequently asked questionsJohn A. Morren, MD and Yuebing Li, MD, PhDCleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine February 2023, 90 (2) 103-113; DOI:
Who is at risk? Which tests should be ordered? How does the disease course affect management decisions? What instructions should you give patients? And other questions.