Article Figures & Data
Organ system Increased risks Management Pulmonary Obstructive disease, pulmonary hypertension Evaluate previous asthma diagnosis
Consider baseline pulmonary function testing
Avoid smoking, maintain healthy weight, promote exercise
Keep current on influenza and Pneumococcus vaccinationsRenal Chronic kidney disease Monitor blood pressure regularly
Avoid nephrotoxins
Control blood pressure (consider an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor if a hypertension medication is needed)
Limit salt intake
Consider periodic urine microalbumin screening, renal ultrasonographyCardiovascular Hypertension, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, peripheral vascular disease Monitor blood pressure regularly
Avoid smoking, maintain healthy weight, promote exercise
Consider baseline echocardiogram with appropriate cardiovascular risk assessmentEndocrine Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, osteoporosis Monitor blood glucose, body mass composition, lipids
Maintain healthy body weight and abdominal girth
Ensure appropriate calcium and vitamin D supplementation
Promote weight-bearing exercise
Limit medications associated with causing metabolic abnormalities, dyslipidemia, worsening bone densityCentral nervous system Autism, mood disorders, intellectual disabilities Be alert to need for early evaluation and support Were you born premature? If yes, do you know why? What was your gestational age? How much did you weigh at birth? Were you on mechanical ventilation? If yes, for how long? Did you have any surgeries during the neonatal period? How long did you stay in the neonatal intensive care unit? What was the nature and extent of any chronic disabilities after discharge from neonatal intensive care? Did you have any other complications? Do you have a history of long-term medication use?