Family Medicine
- Is there a role for chronic suppressive therapy in herpes simplex virus infection?
Yes, in patients with recurrent oral and genital HSV-2 infection and oral HSV-1 infection.
- Cirrhosis: Primary care approaches to screening, immunization, and lifestyle modifications
The authors review management of cirrhosis and complications such as esophageal varices and hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as chemical and medication exposures.
- To prophylax or not to prophylax for endocarditis: Still a question
Give prophylactic antibiotics before invasive dental procedures? On the surface, it may seem sensible. But we have more to learn about the successful clearance of bacteria from the bloodstream and why protective mechanisms occasionally fail.
- Getting to the root of the problem: Should my patient receive antibiotics before dental procedures to prevent infective endocarditis?
Individual risk depends on inherent patient and procedural risk factors. The authors offer practical points to aid decision-making.
- Hoarseness: When to observe and when to refer
A concise, illustrated review of basic laryngeal anatomy and function, symptoms of vocal-fold pathology, and current guidelines from the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery.
- Chronic centralized pain syndromes: A rheumatologist’s perspective
Centralized pain syndromes are vexing for patients and clinicians. In this issue, Volcheck and colleagues present a framework for understanding chronic centralized pain and for developing an actionable treatment plan for patients.
- Central sensitization, chronic pain, and other symptoms: Better understanding, better management
Clinicians have a pivotal role by providing patient education, which can affect perception, management, functional status, and quality of life.
- Update on current contraceptive options: A case-based discussion of efficacy, eligibility, and use
Rates of unintended pregnancy are high in the United States. Clinicians need to be well-informed about the full spectrum of contraceptive options to improve reproductive autonomy.